Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Vancouver Timeraiser - Art Winners

This will be my second year of involvement with Timeraiser, and I'm very excited about it - it's such a great idea!  Everyone involved is a winner - the artists, the volunteers and the agencies.  Check out their website - - to get the whole picture.
I'm the lucky photographer who gets to meet and photograph a few of the Art Winners - the dedicated people who bid on a piece of art in 2009 and completed the 125-hour pledge in order to receive the art later this week.
Here are five of the art winners.

This year's event is on Thursday, September 23rd at the Roundhouse Community Centre.  You can still get tickets - hope to see you there!


Raj said...


I'm helping with Edmonton's event.

Winners and Kickoff

Marlis said...

Nice work!